From a given graph, delete minimum number of edges such that there is no path from start node to end node.

Problem Statement :-

From a given graph, delete minimum number of edges such that there is no path from start node to end node.
Start node : node with minimum value
End node : node with maximum value
Input format : String array, each element in the array represents an edge. e.g 1#2


The solution to this problem is to find the number of paths in the edge-disjoint set containing maximum number of paths from start node to end node. Edge- disjoint set of paths is a set of paths having no common edge between any two paths.
The solution boils down to :-

  1. Find a bfs path(path containing minimum number of edges) from start node to end node. If no path found goto step 3.
  2. Delete all the edges on this path from the graph. Goto step 1.
  3. Exit.

The number of paths found is the minimum number of edges to be deleted.

Sample input graph:-

{ "1#3", "1#5", "3#5", "2#3", "5#4", "4#6", "2#6" }


As we can see that there are 4 paths from start node 1 to the end node 6. The edge-disjoint set containing maximum number of paths is :-
[{1->3->2->6}, {1->5->4->6}]

Hence, output for the sample input:- 2

Algorithm flow :-

Java Implementation :-

public class Test{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] edges= new String[] { "1#3", "1#5", "3#5", "2#3", "5#4", "4#6", "2#6" };

 public static int minEdgesToDel(String[] input1) {
        // create graph
        int n = input1.length;

        Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();

        int start = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int end = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            String[] sp = input1[i].split("#");
            int n1, n2;
            n1 = Integer.parseInt(sp[0]);
            n2 = Integer.parseInt(sp[1]);
            // Set the minimum vertex as start
            start = Math.min(start, Math.min(n1, n2));
            // Set the maximum vertex as max
            end = Math.max(end, Math.max(n1, n2));
            List<Integer> li;
            if (graph.containsKey(n1)) {
                li = graph.get(n1);
            } else {
                li = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            graph.put(n1, li);

            if (graph.containsKey(n2)) {
                li = graph.get(n2);
            } else {
                li = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            graph.put(n2, li);

        int minEdgeDeleteCOunt = 0;
        while (true) {
            // ParentMap containing all parents of all the nodes in the BFS traversal path.
            Map<Integer, Integer> parentMap = bfs(graph, start);

            // If end is present on the path from start, then we need to delete all the edges from start to end
            if (parentMap.containsKey(end)) {
                int parent = parentMap.get(end);
                int currEnd = end;
                // delete all edges in the current paths
                while (parent != -1) {
                    // As the graph is undirected, delete edge entry from both the nodes
                    deleteEdge(graph, parent, currEnd);
                    deleteEdge(graph, currEnd, parent);
                    currEnd = parent;
                    parent = parentMap.get(currEnd);

            } else {
                // If no path is present from start to end, then we have disconnected graph.

        return minEdgeDeleteCOunt;

    private static void deleteEdge(Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph, Integer start, Integer end) {

        List<Integer> list = graph.get(start);


    // Get the path from the start node till end of the graph
    private static Map<Integer, Integer> bfs(Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph, int start) {

        Map<Integer, Integer> parentMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        List<Integer> visited = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        List<Integer> queue = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int qStartIndex = 0;
        parentMap.put(start, -1);

        while (qStartIndex < queue.size()) {
            int curr = queue.get(qStartIndex++);
            for (int k : graph.get(curr)) {
                if (!visited.contains(k)) {
                    if (!parentMap.containsKey(k)) {
                        parentMap.put(k, curr);

        return parentMap;


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