Creating and accessing Encrypted database in OrientDB using the graph APIs

OrientDB supports encrypting database content to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the data. The encryption support is available from version 2.2. To create/access an encrypted database, we need to provide a base64 encoded encryption key. OrientDB supports encryption at a database level and each database can be encrypted with different…

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Create, Use and Drop a Database in Hive

We will see how to Create, Use and Drop a database in Hive. Create a Database #List all the databases 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show databases; +—————-+–+ | database_name  | +—————-+–+ | default        | +—————-+–+ #Create a new Database 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> create database mydb; #List all the databases 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show databases;…

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Loading data in an oracle table from a file using sqlldr

We will see how to load data from a file in an oracle table using sqlldr. Table We have a table EMPLOYEE in the oracle database with the following schema:- SQL> desc EMPLOYEE;  Name                                      Null?    Type  —————————————– ——– —————————-  EMP_ID                                    NOT NULL NUMBER(38)  EMP_NAME                                           VARCHAR2(500)  EMP_AGE                                            NUMBER(38) Data File We…

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What is JDBC?

JDBC(Java Database Connectivity) provides a standard Java API (Application Programming Interface) for accessing different database systems. JDBC provides a simple, database-independent set of APIs. Using the same APIs we can access a number of database systems in Java. Components of JDBC 1) Driver For connecting to the database we need…

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