HiveServer2 is an enhanced Hive server designed for multi-client concurrency and improved authentication. It also provides better support for clients connecting through JDBC and ODBC.
Start Hiverserver2
We have our hive installation under the directory – /home/hadoop/hive. Go to the ‘bin‘ directory under hive installation directory. To start the Hiveserver2 run the following script.
/home/hadoop/hive/bin> ./hiveserver2
By default hiverserver2 will listen on port 10000 for incoming requests. Open one more terminal and check whether hiveserver2 has started.
/home/hadoop/hive/bin> netstat -nlp | grep 10000 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21845/java
Our hiveserver2 is started with a process id of 21845.
It’s a JDBC client based on the SQLLine CLI . Beeline connects to a remote HiveServer2 instance using JDBC.
Connect to hiveserver2
Option 1:- beeline -u <url> -n <username> -p <Password>
/home/hadoop/hive/bin> ./beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 -n hadoopUser -p hadoopPassword #connection established to hiveserver2, now execute hive queries 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show databases; +----------------+--+ | database_name | +----------------+--+ | default | +----------------+--+
Option 2:- Using beeline command – !connect, it allows to connect to a hive server.
/home/hadoop/hive/bin> ./beeline #beeline shell will start, now connect to the hiveserver2 beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 hadoopUser hadoopPassword #connection established, now execute hive queries 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show databases; +----------------+--+ | database_name | +----------------+--+ | default | +----------------+--+
Running hive queries script using beeline
We have a script myscript.hql containing hive queries. If we want to run the hive queries from this file using beeline, then we can use the -f option to specify the script filename.
./beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 -n hadoopUser -p hadoopPassword -f myscript.hql
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