Monthly Archives: October 2015
Adding and Searching in Java ArrayList – Usage and Pitfalls
ArrayList ArrayList in Java implements List Interface. It accepts even null elements. ArrayList is not synchronized and therefore external synchronization is required while working with ArrayList in Multi-threaded environments. We will see how to add elements and search elements from an ArrayList. Adding elements to an ArrayList is straightforward. Searching…
Basics of Unicode and Encodings
Unicode What is Unicode? Its just a code point assigned to a letter from every alphabet. Every letter in every alphabet is assigned a unique number by the Unicode consortium which is represented as- U+0041. This unique number is called a code point. The latest version of Unicode contains a…
Binary Search – Different flavors
From a given graph, delete minimum number of edges such that there is no path from start node to end node.
Creating an Eclipse Project from Maven Template
1. Create a Project from Maven Template: Open a new command line terminal. In the terminal navigate to the folder under which you want to create the Java project and type this command:- mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=FindMatch -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false This tells Maven to create a Java project ‘FindMatch’ from the…